I coach individuals online, both in a group environment, as well as 1:1.

My online coaching sessions are perfect for those wanting to address the technicalities of the snatch, clean and jerk, and all the prerequisite exercises where travelling to me is not an option.

Whether you are a complete beginner wanting to learn to move well from the outset, or you have more experience but are keen to make technical tweaks to be able to continue improving, these sessions will be perfect for you.

There is no pressure to lift heavy. I’m happy for you to just use a broomstick from the comfort of your own home. You can also join me from a home gym or a public gym – wherever works best for you.

My ‘Small Group Sessions’ take place every week (1 or 2 sessions per week depending on which option you choose). The sessions last for an hour and I limit groups to a maximum of eight people to ensure I’m able to provide feedback to everyone.

Session times are detailed below but if you have a small group that are keen, then we could add an additional time and day to suit.

Small Group ZOOM

Session Times

Monday: 09:30 – 10:30 (UK time)

Thursday: 18:15 – 19:15 (UK time)

There are no prerequisites to join these sessions.

If you’re keen to get started simply click on the button above, or if you are interested in discussing any of my other services then feel free to reach out by scheduling a free call.



If my weekly ZOOM Sessions are not convenient for you, then I would recommend Video Analysis as an alternative to receiving individualised feedback at a time that is convenient.

Please note, I am only taking on a limited number of clients to ensure I can stay on top of the analysis.

How it works:

You take a video from the side of whatever exercise you want me to analyse (I only need 1 set of each exercise on top weight that day. The errors will be pretty much the same on all weights).

You then WhatsApp the video to me. (I will provide my number once you have signed up).

I will send feedback either via video and / or via an app I use where I may annotate and do a 'voice over'.

The aim is that you then go and practise using the feedback I have provided before sending me another.

I only do my video analysis on Monday's, Tuesday's and Thursday's when I have quiet time away from my young family. There may be occasions where I need a little extra time depending on my workload and access to wifi but I will feedback as soon as I can.

*Monthly Subscription: You can send up to 5 videos per week for analysis. Videos cannot be rolled from one month to the next. This monthly subscription can be cancelled at any time.

*One-off Options: Single Video Analysis / Set of 5 Videos / Set of 10 Videos. These are to be used within 30 days of purchasing.


I've created an 8-week Olympic lifting programme to create meaningful progresses in your Olympic lifts over an 8-week period.

The programmes are handcrafted by me, progressing lifters in both volume and intensity throughout the 8 weeks.

You should expect to become more proficient in the Snatch and Clean & Jerk, while building both strength and power in various positions that will ensure you’re on a fast path toward long-term progress.

These programmes are not for the faint of heart...

You have to be willing to follow the plan, to do the work, and to log the reps.

If you’re ready to make that commitment, 8 weeks of REAL PROGRESS and REAL RESULTS are on the other side.

That’s a guarantee!

There are 4 options to choose from:


The way my 'bespoke programming with video analysis’ option works, is to start with an initial discussion about your current loading, to include the number of sessions you currently complete each week, number of exercises per sessions etc, so I can gauge where to pitch my programming for each individual.

I then take you through an initial 4-week programme to establish what your loading tolerance is (without breaking you!)

At this time, intensities are programmed to be fairly low to allow time for continued technical development, in conjunction with the video analysis.

After the initial 4-week programme, we will review to see how well you cope and then I programme the first 4-weeks of a 12-week cycle. At this stage, the intensities will increase gradually while the volumes from week to week will fluctuate to allow for recovery time.

There may be occasions when, after reviewing how you're moving, that we decide a technical programme is the best approach allowing more time for technical changes to become a habit rather than loading too soon and breaking back down.

We review after each 4-week training block before I provide the next 4 weeks of programming. At the end of the 12 week cycle, you should improve your numbers. Then we go again!

There are different levels to my programming in terms of volumes and intensities.

As you develop, you may find you are tolerating the loading better so this may need to be reviewed. Good communication is key and I ask that you touch base a week before the end of the block with some feedback so I can modify the next block accordingly.

Payment for this option of bespoke programming with video analysis is via monthly subscription, but can be cancelled at any time.

Alternatively, if you want to discuss programming further before committing to this option, please schedule a free call with me to discuss.

There is also the option to purchase my 'Lifting Logic' Course, where you can learn the essentials of how to programme for Olympic Weightlifting, including structure, progression, basic periodisation, recovery, and individualisation - in it's most easy to understand format. To find more information, click on the button below:

Have You Heard About The 'Team Breeze Inner Circle'?

It's our supportive online lifting community, where you have direct access to me, as well as many other like-minded individuals.

The Team Breeze Inner Circle™️ gives you an UNFAIR advantage on your weightlifting goals... Find out more by clicking the button below: